4 don’ts of dance class etiquette

4 don’ts of dance class etiquette

During my high school years in dance I got an eye opening lesson in the consequences of sassing off to one of my instructors. A young girl in love with dance, I was confident in my abilities, yet like any other teenager, emotional and hormonal. One particular day I...
Why the stigma against competitive dance isn’t (always) true

Why the stigma against competitive dance isn’t (always) true

Competitive dance has always had a certain stigma in the dance world. Unfortunately because of the recent spotlight in the media with shows like “Dance Moms” it continues to be a work in progress to break the negative outlook on competitive groups. Sure, there will be...
7 Tips for New College Students Majoring in Dance

7 Tips for New College Students Majoring in Dance

Transitioning from studio life as an extracurricular activity in high school to making dance your soul purpose in college means more than just a change of surroundings. Dance as an activity means hard work, yes, but majoring in the arts means performing to earn a...